What Are Puggles Like?
Before you get one, A few things to know about Puggles. . .
Puggles are NOT a purebred dog
They are not registered (by any reputable registry). They are an intentional mix of a purebred Beagle and a purebred Pug.
How would you describe puggles?
If I could describe Puggles in two words, the first would be ‘Happy’. I have never met a Puggle puppy with a bad attitude. They are all just pleasant, playful and wanting attention.
The second word would be ‘active’. They are very playful, very high energy pups. This doesn’t mean that you need to go for a 10 mile run every day, but please keep in mind whether or not an active, playful dog fits your lifestyle. Think of a pup or dog that is a forever child, running a million miles around your living-room. If you don’t like that idea, maybe a puggle is not for you.
Are Puggles non-shedding / Are Puggles hypo-allergenic?
No way. . . no how. Pugs are in fact rather heavy shedders. Beagles are a normal shedding dog. Mixing the two can create puppies somewhere between the parents’ levels of shedding. Most of my puppies appear to be an average shedding dog. Though, being a mixed breed they can have a coat that is anywhere in between. We highly advocate the use of a grooming tool known as the “Furminator”. It’s expensive, but worth the cost.
How big do Puggles get?
First off. . . there is NO SUCH THING AS A POCKET PUGGLE.
This is a silly marketing term coined by some crafty breeder. I’ve never heard of a true Pug/Beagle mix coming in under 12 pounds … hardly pocket-sized. Size depends on the parents. A Puggle breeder that cares about their reputation will never speak in absolutes about finished size in a puppy. A Puggle puppy that comes in under 10 pounds is most likely NOT the result of a purebred Pug/purebred Beagle breeding. They have most likely introduced some terrier into the lineage somewhere. That’s fine, if you want a terrier mix. However, terriers aren’t even in the same group as Beagles or Pugs. They’re a very different type of dog.
We only use our AKC registered studs. Cookie, our male pug, is 14 pounds. The beagles range in weight from about 18 to 28 pounds. All are still considered to be small dogs. Some are just smaller than others. Even if the mother is 13 pounds (and dad is 16 pounds), the puppies can expected to be bigger than the parents due to hybrid vigor. Same goes for if dad is 16 pounds and mom is 27 pounds. The puppies will likely be some where in between those sizes.
Now, if you neuter early, or overfeed, the sky is the limit. Some very overweight beagles can probably weigh 40-50 pounds or so, but I have never seen a beagle weigh that at a HEALTHY size. The average adult Puggle size is between 25 to 35 pounds… I don’t care what other web sites say. We’ve been doing this for 10 years.
Are Puggles good with Children?
Of course there is no way to predict an individual dogs temperament. However, Puggles are bred specifically to be a companion animal— a family pet. I tell all famlies with children (especially young children), that are considering purchasing or adopting ANY BREED OF DOG, the key is SUPERVISION.
You MUST, MUST, MUST supervise your children and the puppy/dog at all times. This is for the safety of the puppy, as well as your children. Young children can accidentally play too rough with a puppy, step on a puppy hard, pick up a puppy and drop it, squeeze it hard enough to break ribs, etc.. All of these things can cause serious injury or even DEATH to a puppy. So the puppy is actually at most risk, because I think it would be nearly impossible for a Puggle puppy to cause too much damage to a child.
ALL PUPPIES play rough at times. All puppies need to be taught not to jump up and scratch people. All puppies need to be taught not to nibble, nip, bite, or chew on things–including people. This is NORMAL behavior, and why children and puppies should be supervised AT ALL TIMES.
With that said, I’ve never met a mean Beagle, and I’ve never met a mean Pug. Both are very sweet, loving breeds.
Are Puggle puppies smart/easy to train?
I believe that they are a lot smarter than an average Pug. Yet, not as smart as a purebred Beagle, which is also good, because Beagles can be so smart that they become destructive when bored.
I think that Puggles are a good combination of the two, but like any dog some of it is their personality, but the majority of their personality is UP TO THE FAMILY. ANY puppy needs lots of time, attention and PROPER TRAINING.
You will not be very satisfied with your Puggle (or any puppy) if you get it and shove it in a crate for the first year of it’s life and then expect it to come out a ‘good dog’.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND any type of basic obedience course. Most local Kennel Clubs offer classes, as do most large chain pet supply stores. If you don’t have time for a training class–you may not have time for a puppy. Luckily, Puggles are extremely “food-motivated”, which makes for a great training tool. Just don’t over do the snacks.
Are Puggles difficult to Potty train?
As with anything, that is up to the individual dog. As with children trying to learn Potty traning, some get it faster than others. A lot of it has to do with CONSISTENCY and a good feeding/potty schedule.
If you allow the puppy to soil itself repeatedly, it will be a major setback in housetraining. You need to let young puppies outside frequently. Every 3 hours or so through out the day.
If you work a full day it is IMPERATIVE that you find some one that can let out your puppy while you are gone. If you have no friends, neighbors, or relatives that can do this consistently, you may have to hire a ‘doggy daycare’ or a dog walker. Otherwise, maybe a puppy is NOT right for you at this time in your life.
I think there has been a myth about Puggles being difficult to potty train, and I think this is because that most of the first puggles were coming from PUPPYMILLS (usually purchased at PET STORES). This way of raising puppies is cruel, and sad. It also is VERY bad for potty training. From birth until the puppy is sold to the family, the puppy is in a cage where the ‘waste’ falls away. They ‘go potty’ and it magically disappears. They have NO CLUE about where to go potty or where not to go potty. Yet another reason NOT to purchase from a pet store. We definitely do things the hard way, letting the puppies outside frequently (after weaning). It’s a lot of work for us, but makes for a much easier potty training experience.